Testing materials for sun protection
If you are a business looking to test fabrics or materials to a NATA accredit standard then ARPANSA can help.

We test the following materials to Australian standards:
Fabrics, garments and hats | AS/NZS 4399: Sun protective clothing - Evaluation and classification |
Sunglasses | AS/NZS 1067: Eye and face protection - Sunglass and fashion spectacles |
Shade fabric | AS 4174: Knitted and woven shade fabrics |
Film, glass and materials | 'UVR Protection offered by Shadecloths and Polycarbonates' published in Radiation Protection in Australia 1995, 13 (2) 50-54 |
UV hazard assessment | Radiation Protection Standard - Occupational Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation (RPS 12) |
How it works
Step 1. Complete webform for material testing.
Step 2. Send ARPANSA sample material to test.
Step 3. Apply for a licence and purchase swing tags if applicable, to promote your sun protection rating.
Ultraviolet radiation services - testing and services guide

Our testing and services guide provides an overview of the services we offer: