Access to information
There are a number of ways in which you may access information that ARPANSA holds.

Child Safe Framework compliance statement
ARPANSA has adopted a Child Safety Policy which recognises the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

Executive remuneration reporting 2017-18
Details the scope and value of remuneration for our executive and other highly paid staff.

Freedom of information requests
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 gives any person the right to access copies of documents we hold, information we hold about you and seek reviews of our decisions.

Gifts and benefit register
The ARPANSA Gifts and Benefits policy recommends that ARPANSA employees or contractors, wherever possible, should not accept any gifts or benefits in their role as an employee of the ARPANSA.

Information Publication Scheme
The IPS requires agencies to publish a broad range of information on their websites and to make that information available online where possible.

Legal services expenditure reporting
As a Commonwealth Entity, ARPANSA must publish information detailing the legal services expenditure incurred during the financial year.

Senate Procedural Order of continuing effect No. 12
ARPANSA's indexed list of files published biannually.