ARPANSA Strategic Management Committee and Chief Executive
As CEO of ARPANSA, Dr Gillian Hirth AO is responsible for the Agency's activities, policy directions and efficient performance. The ARPANSA Strategic Management Committee supports the CEO and is the major vehicle for collegiate decision making in the Agency.
Offices and Branches
ARPANSA comprises three service branches, two offices and a General Counsel:
- Regulatory Services Branch - James Scott, Chief Regulatory Officer
Sections include: Source Safety and Security, Facility Safety, Safety Systems, Waste,
Decommissioning and Transport
(Sydney and Melbourne) - Radiation Health Services Branch - Dr Rick Tinker, Chief Radiation Health Scientist
Sections include: Modelling, Assessment and Emergency Preparedness, Monitoring and
Emergency Response, Radiation Research and Advice, Radiation Protection Services, Environmental Protection, Defence Engagement Project Team
(Melbourne) - Medical Radiation Services Branch - Dr Ivan Williams, Chief Medical Radiation Scientist
Sections include: Medical Imaging, Primary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory, Australian Clinical Dosimetry Service
(Melbourne) - Office of the CEO - Tone Doyle, Office Head and Chief of Staff
Sections include: Governance and Strategic Engagement, Communications, Security and Insider Risk, National Uniformity Policy and Secretariat, Work Health & Safety
(Melbourne and Sydney) - Vacant - Niraj Pau, Office Head and Chief Financial Officer
Sections include: Finance, Digital Technology, Property and Facilities, Human Resources
(Melbourne) - Office of the General Counsel - Martin Reynolds, General Counsel
Sections include: Legal Services
(Melbourne and Sydney)
Advisory bodies
The ARPANS Act establishes several bodies that advise the CEO of ARPANSA. These bodies include the Radiation Health and Safety Advisory Council, the Radiation Health Committee and the Nuclear Safety Committee. The ARPANS Act also specifies the categories of membership for the Council and Committees.