ARPANSA’s Source Control section is highly skilled, multi-disciplinary team who takes a ‘cradle to grave’ approach to the security of radioactive materials. SCS work to achieve national uniformity for the security of radioactive materials during their production, transportation, storage, use and eventual disposal.
National security arrangements and international commitments
ARPANSA is responsible for implementing and coordinating the response to the Council of Australian Governments' Report on the Regulation and Control of Radiological Material (COAG Report).
During 2006, COAG agreed to a National Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Security Strategy to provide a framework to strengthen and enhance Australia’s existing arrangements for chemical, biological, radioactive material and nuclear security. In addressing the security of radioactive materials, COAG agreed to a number of recommendations including the establishment of a national regulatory scheme for the storage, possession, use and transport of certain radioactive materials to minimise the risk of such materials being misused by those with malicious intent.
COAG recommendations
IAEA Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources
In 2004 Australia formally made a commitment to the IAEA Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and the supplementary Guidance on Imports and Exports (PDF 1.24mb). To facilitate the implementation of these commitments, ARPANSA became a Permit Issuing Agency on behalf of the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service for radioactive substances.
Further information about the import and export of radioactive materials can be found at: Import and export permit applications.
Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive Sources
A significant achievement in response to the COAG report was the publication of the Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive Sources (ARPANSA, 2007).
ARPANSA is working with state and territory governments and other Commonwealth agencies to implement the recommendations in the COAG report for the regulation and control of radioactive material. Part of this assistance has been the provision of workshops in each state and territory to raise awareness of the COAG report and assist state and territory licensees with implementation of the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive Sources. For further information regarding assistance with the implementation of the Code of Practice, licensees should contact the relevant radiation regulator for their jurisdiction.
The Code of Practice sets out a graded approach for the security of sealed sources. That is, the stringency of the security measures to be applied is proportional to the inherent risk posed - this is a product of the assessed vulnerability to acquisition versus the modelled radioactive consequences of malicious use. The Code of Practice groups sources into five categories and allocates security measures commensurate with the risk posed by the sources in each category (see the Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive Sources) for background information on radioactive sources and the security categorisation of the sources). The Code of Practice is given force of law by each state and territory and the Commonwealth, and administered by the regulatory authority in each jurisdiction as part of the regulatory framework governing the use of radiation. The publication and implementation of the Code is one of the ways in which Australia is demonstrating its commitment to implement the IAEA Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive Sources.
National Radiation Security Advisors
In 2013 ARPANSA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Attorney General's Department Protective Security Training College to deliver a pool of Nationally Accredited Radiation Security Advisors. These advisors were developed under a Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreement in order to increase capacity in radiation security advice within the jurisdictions and to ensure that radiation security practices are implemented in a manner that achieves national uniformity. On completion and graduation, the trainees apply to the states and territories to become accredited within those jurisdictional licensing regimes that they apply for.
Following the completion of the second Graduate Certificate in Radiation Security (5 October 2016) and the decision to close the Protective Security Training College in 2017, ARPANSA will not be accepting further applications for this course at this time.
Notice of future courses will be posted on this site when planned. Please contact ARPANSA's Source Safety and Security team via if you require further information.
The current pool of Radiation Security Advisors (below) are available to assist all jurisdictions to implement the Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive Sources across Australia.
National Radiation Security Advisors Accreditation Scheme Graduates*
Name | Phone | City of residence | |
Peter Bourke | 0403 646 955 | | Canberra |
Greg Breen | 0448 880 192 | | Canberra |
Michael Dever | 0419 252 839 | | Canberra |
Dave Eddleston | 0411 076 243 | | Canberra |
Christopher La Greca | 0408 539 177 | | Sydney |
Bruce Bland | 0499 888 080 | | Perth |
Braden Pryer | 0423 684 016 | | Darwin |
Matthew Warmington | 0407 562 656 | | Canberra |
Matthew Hocking | 0404 141 418 | | Canberra |
Paul Morberger | 0413 943 988 | | Canberra |
Jason Holmes | 0456 319 337 | | Melbourne |
Des Sengunlu | 0404 667 355 | | Canberra |
* All Graduates are subject to the following requirements:
- Successful completion in the Graduate Certificate in Radiation Security
- Maintenance of a National Security Clearance (Negative Vetting LVL1)
Disclaimer: Security advisors qualify for accreditation within the states and territories after successful completion of the required training provided by ARPANSA and the PSTC.
ARPANSA does not endorse or recommend any particular advisor nor does it warrant that services provided to a client by an advisor in any particular jurisdiction will necessarily satisfy the client's needs.
Details of the advisors are provided here as a service on behalf of the listed advisors who have attained the standards specified by the Radiation Health Committee for the purposes of assisting states and territories in their implementation of the requirements of ARPANSA Radiation Protection Series No. 11 - Code of Practice on the Security of Radioactive Sources (2006).
Potential users of an advisor's services should make their own enquiries as to the suitability of any particular advisor to perform the required services.
Contact us
By mail:
Source Control Section
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
PO Box 655
Miranda NSW 1490, Australia
By telephone: (02) 9541 8318 or 0417 402 828
By email: