Disclosure log

ARPANSA is required by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 s 11C to publish a disclosure log on our website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to a Freedom of Information access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.
The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:
- personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
- any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.
Accordingly, a document published on the disclosure log may be an edited version of the document originally provided to the applicant.
How to access released documents
The information described in this register has been released by ARPANSA under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and is available for public access. A link is provided if the information can be downloaded from this website or another website. Information that is not available on a website may be obtained by writing to the FOI Coordinator at:
(02) 9541 8311
A charge may be imposed to reimburse ARPANSA for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. There will be no charge for the time spent by ARPANSA in processing the FOI request that led to this information being made available. You will be notified if any charge is payable and required to pay the charge before the information is provided.
Compliance with law in respect of use of material in disclosure log
Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) certain protections are provided to the Commonwealth and to a person who supplied a document to the Commonwealth, in respect of the giving of access to the document under that Act. This includes documents on the disclosure log.
However, this does not mean that a person who obtains access to a document disclosed under the FOI Act, including under the disclosure log, is not required to comply with the law in respect of their intended use of the document. For instance, to the extent that copyright in documents described in this disclosure log is owned by a third party, a person who obtains access may need to seek that third party's permission before any proposed use of that material. Similarly, to the extent that any such material might be defamatory, a person who obtains access under the Act to the material, and who disseminates the material, may be liable for defamation in the usual way.
Disclosure log entries
Please note: This table will be populated with details of any publicly available information released after 1 May 2011.
Disclosure number | Date of decision | Description of documents requested | Summary of documents released to FOI applicant | Information available to the public and how it can be accessed |
D0052 | 17 March 2025 | Briefings, final itinerary, reports or correspondence that relate to the visit of members of ARPANSA’s Defence Engagement Project Team to the United Kingdom including visits to Rosyth Dockyard and Sellafield, as well as engagement with the UK’s Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and the UK’s Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator (DNSR). | Five documents were granted access in part. | |
D0051 | 23 August 2024 | 'Any other government (Federal, State or Council) documents in support of the ASA application for a facility at HMAS Stirling. Any records of the transfer of payments/funds/budget (or future promises) from ASA to ARPANSA since ASA’s birth as an Agency. Any correspondence between ASA and ARPANSA in respect of a controlled industrial facility at HMAS Stirling, dated prior to the date of application.' | One document was released in full, and 13 documents were released in part. | |
D0050 | 24 April 2024 |
| Four documents were granted access in full. Seven documents were granted access in part. | |
D0049 | 16 February 2024 |
| One document was granted access in part. Two documents were refused access in full. | |
D0048 | 15 December 2023 | The Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency. | One document released in full. Five documents released in part. | |
D0047 | 10 November 2023 | Internal review of the following request:
| Two documents released in part (combined into single document attachment). |
D0046 | 13 October 2023 |
| Two documents released in part. |
D0045 | 6 October 2023 |
| One document released in part. |
D0044 | 25 August 2023 | Environmental EME Report RFNSA No. 6107028 | One document released in full. | |
D0043 | 13 June 2023 |
| Two documents released in part. |
D0042 | 26 May 2023 | 'Emails, talking points, advice(s), Memorandum(s), briefs in relation to AUKUS and the disposal of highly enriched uranium' | One document released in part. | |
D0041 | 3 April 2023 | 'Electronic copies of all photographs, email correspondence, written documentation and reports pertaining to the radiation source that was lost between Newman and Perth, Western Australia, as reported via various news media in January 2023.' | 1 document released in full. 9 documents released in part. |
\\D0040 | 27 February 2023 |
| One document released in full. Nine documents released in part |
D0039 | 6 February 2023 | 'All incident reports regarding incidents involving ANSTO, recorded on Australian Radiation Incident Register (ARIR), 1 January 2020 – 21 December 2022.' | Three documents released in full | |
D0038 | 23 December 2022 | 'For 5G installations an Environmental Impact Analysis inclusive of the Health and Safety Risk Assessment, the Environmental Impact Analysis and the Insurance Policy for the equipment. If none of these have been done then they have to be removed now.' | One document released in full | |
D0037 | 23 December 2022 | 'For 5G installations an Environmental Impact Analysis inclusive of the Health and Safety Risk Assessment, the Environmental Impact Analysis and the Insurance Policy for the equipment. If none of these have been done then they have to be removed now.' | One document released in full | |
D0036 | 23 December 2022 | 'For 5G installations an Environmental Impact Analysis inclusive of the Health and Safety Risk Assessment, the Environmental Impact Analysis and the Insurance Policy for the equipment. If none of these have been done then they have to be removed now.' | One document released in full | |
D0035 | 24 October 2022 | 'Documents which discuss any association between exposure to ionizing radiation from a CT scan of the head/neck/brain and the risks of meningitis or encephalitis following such scan.' | One document released in part. One document released in full. |
D0034 | 5 August 2022 | 'PowerPoint slides, notes and any materials relating to the ARPANSA graduate program's orientation sessions given to new staff from the beginning of this year's graduate program to date. Please note, I agree to being provided edited copies of documents with exempt material (such as personal details) redacted. I do not consent, however, to information in documents being deemed irrelevant without my prior consultation. For the purposes of this request, there is public interest in how new staff are trained to engage as a public servant and what they are recommended to do or not do in the role.' | One document released in part. | |
D0033 | 28 July 2022 | 'I seek access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to information regarding the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency's (ARPANSA) project to expand its Radioactive Waste Store. ARPANSA provided information to staff via Powerpoint in April 2018 dealing with the waste store expansion project at ARPANSA's Yallambie office. This presentation addressed the proposed transport and storage of additional waste in Yallambie and timelines for project completion. Request access to documents that describe the project, including the presentation made to staff in April 2018. This request involves no information of a personal nature or information involving third-parties.' | One document released in full. 36 documents released in part. |
D0032 | 11 February 2022 | 'Documents relating to the 2020 review of reference accident methodology for nuclear powered warships, including the final review, findings, recommendations and details of the additional accident sequences for consideration. Please also provide documents relating to the Terms of Reference, agreed by the Visiting Ships Panel (Nuclear), for implementation of the reference accident update.' | Two documents released in part. |
D0031 | 26 May 2021 | '1. All documents from 1998 to 2020 showing financial contributions from ARPANSA - voluntary, or required, monetary, in - kind contributions and subsidies paid (these categories shown separately if possible) to (a) WHO IEMFP and (b) ICNIRP. This information is missing from WHO IEMP reports and ICNIRP financial reports. It possibly needs to be accessed via bank transfers to Royal Adelaide Hospital WHO find or WHO IEMFP fund and ICNIRP secretariat. 2. The doc containing the below paragraph, which has been removed from the ARPANSA site, previously at https://www.arpansa.gov.au/ research/surveys/ mobile-phone-base-station -survey/survey- management-and-funding ‘The 2007 -2013 survey of mobile phone base station EME levels was carried out by ARPANSA with financial support from the Mobile Carriers Forum (MCF), a division of the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) the peak industry body for the telecommunications industry.’ | Three documents released in full. |
D0030 | 13 February 2021 | '(1) Safety case for the approval of 5g wireless technologies. (2) safety case for approval of 4g wireless technologies (3) safety case for approval of starlink services in Australia. (4) safety case behind the argument – ‘Health authorities around the world, including ARPANSA and the World Health Organization, have examined the scientific evidence regarding possible health effects from base stations. Current research indicates that there are no established health effects from the low exposure to the RF EME from mobile phone base station antennas’: Quoted on https://www.arpansa.gov.au/ understanding-radiation/ radiation-sources/ more-radiation-sources/ mobile-phone-base-stations' | Two documents released in full. | |
D0029 | 5 September 2020 | 'all notifications provided by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) to ARPANSA in which it was deemed by ANSTO, that the statutory requirements under the ARPANS Act or the conditions of any of its facility licenses had been breached from 01/01/2008 until 7 July 2020.' | Nine documents released in full and six documents released in part. Documents are contained in Volumes 1 to 5 of ANSTO Notifications of Potential Breaches. |
D0028 | 24 June 2020 | 'What sites throughout Australia now have 5G operating, (or are scheduled to be operative in the future) and what is the operating EMF Frequencies for each of these sites please? In particular, could you also demonstrate how you can stop sites or Satellites from operating at the 60GHz Millimetre Waves Frequencies, that are proven to 'Starve Oxygen' from human blood also, as shown in the attachment? We are eagerly awaiting your reply to share with our broad audiences on social media.' | one document released in part | |
D0027 | 10 June 2020 |
| 3 documents released in full |
D0026 | 15 May 2020 | As a concerned citizen i would like information under the freedom of information act on what studies have been undertaken and how much funding has been spent on the health and safety impacts on 5G. I do not consent to 5G and do not think there has been enough information regarding this to determine a roll out. You state that ARPANSA takes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information so how does this organisation endorse something on this premise? | 2 documents released in full |
D0025 | 14 May 2020 | l am requesting access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) for one Safety Study Research Test that confirms, establishes, provides factual evidence that 5G technology has been proven to be 100% safe to humans. | 2 documents released in full |
D0024 | 8 November 2019 | Documents relating to radiation monitoring of the former Australian Radiation Laboratory (ARL) building at the University of Melbourne during the period 1978-1982. | 9 documents were released in response to this request. 1 document was released in full and 8 documents were released in part |
D0023 | 25 September 2019 | Documents relating to funds received by ARPANSA from any of the telecommunications companies named below. The information requested is for the past five financial years, ending July 2019. Acquirecomm, Asurion Australia, Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd, Axicom, Brightstar Logistics Pty Ltd, Ericsson Australia, Huawei Technologies, Lebara Mobile (Vodafone Hutchison Australia trading as Lebara Mobile), Mac Centre Norwood, Mobile Network, Motorola Mobility Australia Pty Ltd, Nokia Solutions & Networks Australia Pty Ltd, Optus, Paradigm.one, Pivotel Mobile Pty Limited, Qualcomm International, RF Industries, Risk Insure, Samsung Australia, Telstra, TPG Telecom Limited, Urbis Pty Ltd, Victorian Rail Track, Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA) and ZTE Australia Pty Ltd. | 2 documents released in part |
D0022 | 6 August 2019 | Information associated with the application and approval for a licence or licence change which enabled the storage of approximately 180 drums of radioactive waste in Yallambie beginning in 2018. | 3 documents released in full and 1 document released in part | |
D0021 | 25 June 2019 | Documents regarding the number of barrels of waste received from the former University of Melbourne Australian Radiation Laboratory site to date. | 1 document released | |
D0020 | 24 June 2019 | A document titled ‘Business Case’ (ARPANSA-PM-TMP-002), specifically the sections:
| 1 document released in part | |
D0019 | 19 June 2019 | An electronic copy of the meeting minutes for any meetings conducted since June 2018, which discussed the Radiation Protection Series No 3: Maximum Exposure Levels to Radiofrequency Fields — 3 kHz to 300 GHz and the Technical Report Series No. 164 and the draft or final report: Fundamentals in Non-Ionising Radiation | 5 documents released | |
D0018 | 13 June 2019 | Copies of all historical and current advice, provided to the New South Wales Department of Education and the New South Wales Department of Health, instructing that wi-fi is safe to install in schools on health grounds along with advice on any health risks presented to children by the use of wi-fi in schools. | 1 document released | |
D0017 | 6 June 2019 | Meeting minutes of the Australian Mobile Telecommunications industry, Radiation Health and Safety Advisory Council and the Electromagnetic Energy Reference Group which discuss 5G | 10 documents | |
D0016 | 9 May 2019 | Meeting minutes of the Radiation Health Committee, Radiation Health and Safety Advisory Council and RF | 42 documents released | Please contact the FOI Administrator on foi@arpansa.gov.au to obtain a copy. |
D0015 | 18 April and 2 May 2019 | Documents relating to cost recovery implementation | 10 documents | Please contact the FOI Administrator on foi@arpansa.gov.au to obtain a copy. |
D0014 | 7 February 2019 | IRRS Advanced Reference Material Summary Report | 1 document | |
D0013 | 7 February 2019 |
| 24 documents were released in response to this request. 9 documents were released in full and 15 documents in part | Please contact the FOI Administrator on foi@arpansa.gov.au to obtain a copy |
D0012 | 9 October 2018 | For the past three financial years [FY15/16 to the most recent FY], the total sum for domestic travel (including number of domestic trips) and a lump sum for International travel (including number of overseas trips) for the CEO travel each year. | 1 document was released under administrative access. | |
D0011 | 9 November 2018 | Documents held by ARPANSA regarding the breakdown of an ANSTO conveyer in June and associated production issues, as well as any discussion of the incident being included in a separate independent review ordered by ARPANSA. | 3 x emails released in part | |
D0010 | 9 November 2018 | The progress report provided by ANSTO in relation to the independent review required under an ARPANSA direction (ref R18/07432), all ministerial briefing notes in relation to the direction and ANSTO's response to that direction, and minutes of the Nuclear Safety Committee meeting of 22 June 2018 where the possible direction and related issues were discussed. | 13 x documents released in part including emails and ministerial submission | |
D0009 | 17 August 2018 | Information regarding ARPANSA’s project to expand its Radioactive Waste Store. | 9 x documents were released in part including a project brief, executive briefing papers, staff update, business case and construction RFQ | |
D0008 | 4 July 2018 | Information regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the University of Melbourne and ARPANSA for transportation and storage of radioactive waste. | One document was identified and it was exempt from release | Exempt from release |
D0007 | 27 June 2018 | The written notice (improvement notice) that required the holder of the licence to: (a) remedy a contravention; or (b) prevent a likely contravention from occurring; or (c) remedy matters or activities causing the contravention or likely contravention; or (d) cease an activity causing the contravention or likely contravention. | 1 x redacted improvement notice | |
D0006 | 15 June 2018 | Formal minutes of meetings which discussed Radiation Protection Series No 3: Maximum Exposure Levels to Radiofrequency Fields — 3 kHz to 300 GHz | 48 x documents containing formal minutes of meeting | |
D0005 | 7 June 2018 | Formal minutes of meetings which discussed Technical Report Series No. 164: Review of Radiofrequency Health Effects Research – Scientific Literature 2000–2012 | 9 x documents containing formal minutes of meeting | |
D0004 | 21 December 2017 | Documents relating to smart metre emissions. | 11 x documents released. Redactions applied under section 47F and section 22 | |
D0003 | 6 June 2014 | Report by the Australian Radiation Laboratory into Personal Monitor Records from External Exposure to Beta and Gamma Radiation during Engagement in the program of British Nuclear Weapons Tests in Australia. | 1 x redacted ARL report | |
D0002 | 15 February 2013 | Documents relating to an incident that occurred at ANSTO in the cropping pond on 15 March 2002 | Combined redacted reports relating to the documents requested | |
D0001 | 16 July 2012 | Report by KPMG into possible contamination events at ANSTO in September 2007 | 1 x redacted KPMG report |