18 June 2024

ARPANSA and Monash University are seeking service providers to facilitate participant recruitment for a study on health impacts of non-ionising radiation cosmetic treatments, such as laser hair removal.     

ARPANSA’s Health Impact Assessment Assistant Director Ken Karipidis and researchers from Monash University are supervising the study, which will gather data on cosmetic procedures. 

The data collected will be used to understand if greater regulation is required for certain types of cosmetic procedures across Australia.

A/Prof Karipidis says that only Tasmania, Queensland and Western Australia have regulatory controls in place for cosmetic use of non-ionising radiation, although this is limited to certain light-based cosmetic applications like laser and intense pulsed light (IPL).

‘As the Australian Government’s primary authority on radiation protection, we want to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to keep people safe when undergoing cosmetic procedures that involve the use of non-ionising radiation,’ A/Prof Karipidis said.

The researchers are aiming to recruit businesses and service providers to help them identify individuals at their cosmetic clinics who they can survey as they receive treatments. 

With the survey data, PhD student Zoe Thomas will investigate the types of adverse effects that can occur, how frequently they occur, and in what circumstances.

‘As well as helping us understand the rate and type of injuries occurring, this study may also help to improve safety standards across the industry and provide greater assurance to potential clients,’ she said. 

To learn more about participating in this study please read the explanatory statement and complete the expression of interest form: https://monashred.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9YMMM7CUv1647ie


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