Last updated date: Reason for update:
29 September 2023 Separate category added to PRF-4 for mining or mineral processing; RHS24 removed from PRF-1 & PRF-2.

The following abbreviations are used in the table below:

NOTE 1:  ARPANSA encourages licence holders to be proactive in their approach to compliance. Undertaking periodic self-assessments against applicable codes and standards is considered good practice.  

NOTE 2: Although AS/NZS2243.4 requires annual calibration of radiation monitoring instruments, if an instrument is used solely to detect the presence or absence of radioactive contamination, and from which no quantitative information (such as air concentration or surface contamination) is derived, then the frequency of calibration may be extended to a maximum of five years. 

NOTE 3:  In addition to codes and standards, ARPANSA considers international best practice when making licensing decisions. 

Prescribed Radiation Facility

PRF-1 Particle accelerator with a beam energy greater than 1 MeV, or can produce neutrons

Linear accelerator used for scientific, research & radiographic purposes:

Note: This HPS document is an American publication; the dose limits and references therein do not apply in Australia. The dose limits applicable to Australia can be found in section 77 of the ARPANS Regulations

Linear accelerator used for medical exposures:

The following best practice guidance should be considered:

Cyclotron producing medical isotopes:

The following best practice guidance should be considered:

Other particle accelerator capable of producing neutrons:

The following best practice guidance should be considered:

IAEA Specific Safety Guide No. 59 Radiation Safety of Accelerator Based Radioisotope Production Facilities


PRF-2 Irradiator containing more than 1015 Bq of a controlled material

The following best practice guidance should be considered:


PRF-3 Irradiator containing more than 1013 Bq of a controlled material

(a) not including shielding as an integral part of its construction; or 

(b) including as an integral part of its construction shielding that does not prevent a person from being exposed to the source or does not shield a source during the operation of the irradiator 

The following best practice guidance should be considered:


PRF-4 Prescribed Radiation Facility (other than a nuclear installation)

Waste management and/or disposal facility – mining or mineral processing

The following best practice guidance should be considered:

Waste management and/or disposal facility – other than mining or mineral processing

The following best practice guidance should be considered:

Prescribed Radiation Facility – other than a waste management or disposal facility


Prescribed legacy site

PLS-1 Possess or control a prescribed legacy site

The following best practice guidance should be considered:

PLS-2 Remediate a prescribed legacy site​​​​​​

The following best practice guidance should be considered:

PLS-3 Abandon a prescribed legacy site

The following best practice should be considered:


Nuclear Installations

Waste management and/or disposal facility:

The following best practice guidance should be considered:

Research reactors and other facilities:

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