Part 3: Case study 1 - ARPANSA’s website

In June 2017 we launched a new corporate website. Our website is responsive for mobile and tablet devices so that users can access our website on the go. It is built using govCMS, a Drupal‑based open source content management system developed by the Department of Finance.

Our new website implements a number of features to improve our users’ experience.

A new information architecture

After researching how people use our website, we created a new way to structure information on the website. This improved our website structure and provides users a better browsing experience by structuring information more intuitively.

Interactive UVR charts

We have redesigned our ultraviolet radiation (UVR) charts to make them dynamic and interactive. These charts allow users to find out what the UVR index is at our measurement sites and when the UVR index will be at its highest. Our measurement sites are found all around Australia, mostly in each capital city.

The UVR information we maintain on the charts help Australians apply appropriate sun protection measures when needed.

Searchable fact sheets and scientific literature

At ARPANSA, we provide advice to the public on many radiation topics: from mobile phone safety to radioactive waste. Visitors to our fact sheets page can use the tailored search function to find the information they need.

Users can also search our best practice, regularly reviewed scientific literature on radiation protection topics. The in-page search function ensures users can easily find ARPANSA’s commentary on the literature published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, scientific body reports, fact sheets and conference proceedings.

Have your say hub

We provide opportunity for members of the public and industry to have their say on licensing decisions and the development of regulatory codes and guides. To cater for this, we designed the Have your say hub. 
The Have your say hub is a central place where users can find out what public consultations we are holding. Users can submit their comments on online draft documents and find other users submissions.

To see more of our new and continually evolving website features visit

Access to information FOI disclosure log Information public scheme