Appendix 2: Work Health and Safety

Work Health and Safety Committee

ARPANSA staff and management consult through the operation of the Work Health and Safety Committee. The Committee is chaired by the CEO and made up of Health and Safety Representatives, management representatives of all offices and branches and the Health and Safety Co-ordinator to provide work health and safety expertise and co-ordination. Specialist advisors for emergency response, radiation safety, chemical safety, property management, human resources, legal and security attend the Work Health and Safety Committee as required and provide updates on issues impacting on health and safety. The committee meets six times a year.

Work health and safety measures taken in 2013–2014 include the following:

  • influenza immunisations for staff in all three campuses
  • completion of further Yallambie renovations and property services to better comply with the new Work Health and Safety Act
  • delivery of additional mandatory Work Health and Safety Act training for all staff, both workers and managers
  • inspections of the Yallambie and Miranda Campuses for house-keeping, emergency response equipment and compliance issues
  • further Investigation of hazards, incidents and near-incidents and agreement on additional controls
  • updating the Work Health and Safety policy
  • continued the comprehensive review and updating of ARPANSA's Work Health and Safety Management Arrangements.

At the meetings there was a demonstrated collegiate approach by committee members to address and rectify, as quickly as possible, any issues that arose during the meetings.

Health and safety management arrangements

Health and Safety Management Arrangements have been in place in ARPANSA since late 2007. The arrangements explain the following:

  • roles and responsibilities
  • consultation
  • confidentiality
  • organisational arrangements, including dispute resolution
  • implementation, and
  • review.

The Health and Safety Management Arrangements are currently under review. The Health and Safety Policy was updated in early 2014.

Incidents or injuries

There were 14 hazards and near incidents reported including electrical, design, exposure, slip or trip, stuck by object, bushfire and lost.

There were seven incidents including a small fire, two slips, struck by object, a burn and a small chemical spill.

There was no medical treatments required, no lost time injuries and there were no Comcare claims for the duration of this annual report. The small fire caused no damage or injury.

Investigations or notices issued

During this financial year, there were no Provisional Improvement Notices issued by Health and Safety Representatives. There were no Comcare investigations conducted, nor improvement notices issued at any ARPANSA workplace.

Table 11: 2013–14 Work health and safety inspection schedule
9 July 2013Yallambie ground floor east wing
3 September 2013Yallambie ground floor west wing
28 January 2014Yallambie Basement and plant rooms
27 May 2014Miranda

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