Code of Practice for Radiation Protection in the Medical Applications of Ionizing Radiation (2008)

The Code establishes requirements for the use of ionizing radiation in medicine for inclusion in the National Directory for Radiation Protection and adoption by Australian jurisdictions. The Code is a regulatory document that covers the practices of radiotherapy, diagnostic and interventional radiology and nuclear medicine. Safety Guides relating to Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy have also been published.

Removal of Annex 2

In January 2015, Annex 2 - Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation and Standards for Control of Exposure, was removed from the electronic edition of RPS 14. For information on the health effects of ionising radiation, refer to RPS F-1 Fundamentals for Protection Against Ionising Radiation (2014).

Download the Code

(Annex 2 removed January 2015)

Publications from the Radiation Protection Series are now available in digital format only. If you require access to a format other than PDF, please contact us.

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