• ARPANSA removes ANSTO licence condition

    ARPANSA Acting CEO Dr Rick Tinker has removed a licence condition from the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) Health Products facility following satisfactory implementation of recommendations following a 2018 safety review.
  • Measuring new 5G radio waves

    Researchers from the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) recently attended a workshop on techniques to measure radio waves in the 24 – 30 GHz range, frequencies which are now being used in the latest implementation of the 5G network.
  • ARPANSA supports radiation monitoring in the Pacific

    ARPANSA’s Radiation Monitoring Networks (RMN) team has resumed scheduled visits to the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) radionuclide monitoring station on the remote Pacific nation of Kiribati. The station is part of an international network of more than 320 monitoring stations that aim to ensure no nuclear explosion goes undetected.
  • ARPANSA reviews radio wave effects on plants and animals

    ARPANSA and Swinburne University’s systematic map of 334 papers was published in May 2023. While there is currently no substantiated evidence of harm, it highlights the need for more high-quality research into the effects of radio waves from high-frequency wireless technology such as 5G on plants and animals.
  • Authorising Australia’s Radiation Primary Standards

    Australia’s Chief Metrologist Bruce Warrington visited the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) on Tuesday 9 May to assess and re-authorise our primary standards for ionising radiation dosimetry.
  • ARPANSA finds radio waves exposure more than 700 times below safety limit

    Scientists at the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) have published a paper that shows the average exposure to radio waves from wireless technology in Melbourne is more than 700 times below the safety limit.
  • Notice of intention to make a decision on a facility licence application

    The CEO of ARPANSA has given notice of her intention to make a decision regarding a facility licence application for ARPANSA’s Medical Radiation Services Branch.
  • ARPANSA scientist joins radio wave task group

    Australian government research scientist Associate Professor Sarah Loughran has been appointed to the World Health Organization (WHO) Task Group on Radiofrequency Fields and Health Risks.
  • Making magnetic resonance imaging linac picture perfect

    Medical physicists have developed a technique to accurately measure radiation dose using new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) linac machines.
  • Shining a light on cosmetic procedures

    Investigating the health impact of non-ionising radiation used in cosmetic procedures is the focus of a PhD which is being supervised by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), the Monash University Accident Research Centre and Monash Law School.
  • ARPANSA brings UV ratings out of the shadows with new shadecloth swing tags

    News post regarding the launch of ARPANSA's new swing tags for shadecloths
  • ARPANSA joins search for missing radioactive source

    The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) is working with the Western Australian Government to support efforts to locate a small radioactive source.
  • SunSmart Global UV app aims high to protect Australians from the sun

    Launched in Melbourne by SunSmart this week, the free app aims to reduce skin cancer rates, as well as UV-related eye and sun damage, by providing users with daily sun protection times and 7-day weather and UV forecasts specific to their location.
  • Calling for research into radio waves and health

    The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) is offering funding to support research that addresses knowledge gaps about health effects from exposure to electromagnetic energy, especially the higher frequencies now being used in wireless technologies like the 5G network.
  • Future proofing radio wave research

    The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) officially opened its new $2.35 million anechoic chamber on 17 November 2022.
  • Prize-winning app will make radiotherapy audits more efficient

    University of Melbourne students and Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) scientists have created a prize-winning app that will make radiotherapy audits more efficient. 
  • ARPANSA 2021-22 annual report tabled

    The 2021-22 annual report of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) was tabled in parliament on Monday 24 October 2022 and is now available in the Commonwealth government Transparency Portal.
  • Setting a new standard for radiotherapy treatment

    Radiotherapy treatments in Australia will soon have extra assurance with the arrival of a new national calibration device this month.

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