We encourage you to explore our understanding radiation section before calling. There you will find fact sheets and answers to common questions.

Still can't find the answer? Talk directly with our scientists about issues related to radiation exposure and protection in Australia.

Top inquiries

Common topics include:

  • public exposure to radiation
    • radiation exposure from powerlines
    • mobile phones
    • ultraviolet radiation from the sun
    • ionising radiation found in our environment.
  • worker exposure to radiation
    • radiation exposure from lasers and uranium mining
  • patient exposure to radiation
    • CT scans
    • children
    • X-rays.

Steps to talk to a scientist

Before using this service, we encourage you to read our Talk to a Scientist terms of use.

Step 1. Prepare your question using the examples above.

Step 2. Call us on 1800 022 333 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Melbourne AEDT), except during public holidays, or send an enquiry anytime via our online contact form.

Step 3. Give ARPANSA reception your name, location and phone number.

Please note: Our experts are unable to provide medical advice. Medical questions should be directed to a medical practitioner.

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