Last revision date: 23 September 2024

Formats of data

The data for each level is shown in two formats: 

  • the individual data points are shown and the averages with error bars representing two standard deviations
  • the darker green area represents the Pass (Optimal) threshold and the lighter green is Pass (Action)
  • the white area is Out of Tolerance.


A chart that shows the dose variation as measured by the ACDS that relates to Australian and New Zealand datasets.

ACDS Australia and New Zealand Datasets

Level IPhotons All dataData statistics
Electrons All dataData statistics
Level IbPhotons All dataData statistics
Electrons All dataData statistics
Small field OF's All data 
Level II3DCRTCase descriptions

Dose to water 

Prescription point data

Dose to water 

Min and max dose data

Dose to medium

Prescription point data

Dose to medium

Min and max dose data

IMRT and VMATCase descriptions

Dose to water 

In-volume average data

Dose to water

Gamma pass rate data

Dose to medium

In-volume average data

Dose to medium

Gamma pass rate data

Level III3DCRTCase descriptionsAll data 
IMRTCase descriptions All in-volume dataAverage in-volume data
IMRT FFFAll in-volume dataAverage in-volume data
VMATAll in-volume dataAverage in-volume data
VMAT FFFAll in-volume dataAverage in-volume data
Small fieldsCase descriptionsAll data 
SABR Soft TissueCase descriptionsAll data
SABR Spine Case descriptionsAll data
SABR Lung Case descriptionsAll data

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