Who needs to be monitored?

If you work in a workplace where you may be exposed to ionising radiation, you may need to be monitored.

How do I comply?

Section 3.2.5 of the Code for Radiation Protection for Planned Exposure Situations (RPS C-1) states that:

The Responsible Person must arrange for appropriate radiation monitoring to the extent necessary to:

  • demonstrate the effectiveness of the measures for protection and safety

  • assess external radiation doses.

The regulatory authority

Regulatory requirements vary across commonwealth, state, and territory jurisdictions in Australia. Contact your State/Territory regulatory authority to check the requirements for your workplace.

Your regulatory authority will assist you with the following questions:

  • which workers need to have personal radiation monitors?
  • how frequently do workers need to be monitored?
  • for how long should workers wear the monitors?
  • do workers need to be informed of their dose?
  • what is the dose limit for workers?
  • what is our dose constraint?
  • what is the maximum dose workers can receive?
  • a worker has received a large dose, can they still work?
  • the workers are not wearing the personal radiation monitor provided. How do I get them to wear their assigned monitor?
  • are we able to use an Area monitor, rather than provide a monitor to all the workers?
  • can pregnant workers continue working with radiation? If so, what are the requirements?

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